Pastor Ronny Etienne
Pastor of Haitian Ministries
Our Haitian Creol congregation meets on Sunday mornings for prayer at 9:30am and worship at 10:30am. Please fill the form out below with any questions you might have.
Kongregasyon ayisyen nou an reyini dimanch maten pou lapriyè a 9:30 am epi adore kòmanse a 10:30 am. Tanpri ranpli fòm ki anba la a ak nenpòt kesyon ou ta ka genyen.

Pastor Jorge Rodriguez
Pastor of Hispanic Ministries
Our Hispanic congregation meets for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30am. Please fill out the form below if you have any questions.
Nuestra congregación hispana se reúne para adorar los domingos por la mañana a las 10:30 am. Por favor complete el formulario a continuación si tiene alguna pregunta.